Great Tree of Kirah: White Flower


Bring the White Flower to the Warden of the Past.


Have you ever heard of a Great Tree?

This is a living being that supports the existence of the world itself, preventing its destruction! You can't find one easily these days. One Great Tree grows in Kania, and another on a faraway Yakhch allod.

Thousands years ago such tree grew on Kirah, too. We can use its fascinating powers by gathering its flowers - they will hold off the Astral and help us to fight demons in our time. Flowers differ in color and rarity.

For now, I'm asking you to bring me a white flower. Its powers are not the strongest, but you will be able to find it easily among the common desert bushes.


Have you found the White Flower?


Yes, it's the flower I told you about! Delicate and defenseless.

But it holds great powers, and we will find good use for it.


Experience: +1040

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