Travelers from the Future



Find a hint in Zayan de Desirae’s library.


What is it? An intrusion? How dare you! Do you have any idea whose tower this is?! Magister Zayan will tear you apart... Who are you?
What do you mean - from the future? Do you happen to know that the temporal magic is the most forbidden of all? Are you aware of what punishment awaits you? Provided that you manage not to destroy Sarnaut, of course. Oh dear, what am I going to do without the magister...
Every instant spent in the past adds up to the temporal disbalance and the imminence of temporal paradox! You must go back to your time, and return Magister Zayan here, into anno mundi 4015.
There’s the Reflection Storage on top of this tower. It’s able to repeat any spell that had been cast recently, any spell at all, even the one that opens the Gates of Time. It is secured by magical guards, and I don’t know how to switch them off. We have a huge library in the basement, may be we’ll find the answer there.


Now, now. What are we going to do next?


A secret passage under the mage’s tower! Can you feel the smell of gold? I mean, golden mysteries and enigma! Yes, that’s exactly what I meant.


Experience: +5025

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