The Soul Devourer



Go to the Isle of the Dead and defeat Genoer the Devourer. If you succeed, report your success to Kirill Sechin.
  • Soul Devourer defeated


Quickly, come here. I have a very important matter to tell you about.

The Demon Hunters recently discovered a small allod not far from the Holy Land. They named it the "Isle of the Dead". Out of the entire expedition that first found the allod, only one survived.

He told his comrades of a certain monster that lives on the allod. From his descriptions, it sounds like we're dealing with another one of Tep's monsters. It's a deadly combination of necromancy and mechanics.

We also learned that the monster feeds on souls, just like some of Tep's other creations. As it devours more and more, it becomes stronger and stronger.

You have a new mission - to defeat this horrible creature. Of course you won't be able to do that alone. I don't think anybody could manage that, not even Yasker. In order to succeed you must gather a team of your most trusted comrades.

To get to the Isle of the Dead you can take the ship that leaves from the eastern pier. It was specially commissioned just so that elite soldiers like you could take care of this menace. When you kill the devourer return to me for a reward.


It sounds like this is one of Tep's most advanced creations. Only an army could take it down.


The monster is slain? Well done! I always knew you could do it. I hope Tep learns of what you accomplished. It should strike fear into even him.

Here's your reward, as promised. And I shall be sure to tell my superiors. Your deed shall be praised by the entire Empire!


Experience: +250

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