Fish Rots from Its Head




Defeat Tribe Chief Booka-Booka and report to Maas-Tyna the Light-Footed.
  • Tribe Chief Booka-Booka defeated


It's about time we beheaded the most stubborn Tungar on this allod. As I anticipated, chief Booka-Booka is not so esteemed in his trribe anymore. Tyk and Pyk now reckon you are their leader. Together with Myk they will help you in this fight. You must understand that their help is worth a lot, zoor?
But be careful. Booka is a really strrong enemy, eysh! He is brave and daring, like a bird who protects its nest from a lynx. When he was young, he mastered and saddled a wild yak! You know, Tungars are terrified of yaks. And as far as I know, he killed the previous chief and rightfully took his place. So are their traditions, ay-hya!
I really doubt that you can take him alive. This hunhurr definitely won't ask for mercy.


When Booka-Booka is defeated, the Tungar problem may be considered solved.


Excellent, eysh! The Tungars will finally get off our back without their barking chief. Of course, little groups of crrazy fanatics will keep on attacking us from time to time, but it will be no trrouble fighting them off.
But no more playing games, kylys. Our next enemy will be more serious.

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