The Bitter Truth



Teleport to the Demon Hunter ship, get back to Irdrich and tell the Rowdy Family about Aidenus' instructions.
  • Hunters' ship visited
    (You can use the Adventurer's Stone or the June Portal Ruins to teleport)
  • Jumping device on the ship's bow inspected
  • Jump into the wormhole using the jumping device
  • (You can get the device from the Chubby Family in the League Camp on Irdrich)


I'll be damned... The entire squadron perished in a blink of an eye... Shame on my gray head! I had a gut feeling we shouldn't have made that temporary alliance with the Empire. Now, we'll have to use all our forces to protect Kania against a potential attack. How inopportune... But anyway, it's not the time to complain. We must take action.
Because you have an Adventurer's Stone, you'll have to be a messenger between me and the survivors. Listen up.
No one in this world knows about the allod you found yourselves on. I checked all astral maps made since the discovery of astral flights, but I found nothing. So you'll have to act at your own peril.
I'm sure Tep did everything to make his secret refuge inescapable for intruders. Although the fleet is destroyed, any information about Tep can end up being extremely important to us. So keep searching!
Your having an Adventurer's Stone on you is sheer luck, but it can help us all. The Demon Hunters' destroyer is now barraging the area around the entrance to the wormhole, exterminating nearby demons. The Hunters don't interfere with politics between the League and the Empire, but the threat Tep poses concerns us all, so they agreed to help. They have a teleportation expert and a portal device on their ship. If you can't come to your enigmatic allod directly, I'll bind your Stone to the portal on the Hunters' ship. Teleport there right now and try getting into the wormhole once again. If it exits directly above the allod, the worst thing that can happen is that you simply black out again. Then go back to the admirals and report my instructions.


Where have you been? We ran off our feet looking for you!


What? Aidenus orders us to adapt to circumstances and continue looking for Tep here? I'll be damned! With no comms, supplies or support... That's madness! But if we don't do it, who will? So we'll make it!


Experience: +1500

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