Sailor's Suspicions




Tell the Chubby Family at the League camp about the sailor's suspicions.


Cough... My lungs are full of water... I thought I would die for sure!
Hey, didn't you have an Imperial uniform on you? Yes, you did! I remember! When the ship crashed, I fell overboard into the water. I remember vividly: everything became a blur, folks screaming horribly, fire everywhere, and you standing over me in an Imperial uniform. I thought that the Imperials came to our rescue... and then I fainted. When I came to life, you had another set of clothes on.
Hold on... If it wasn't you, then the Imperials knew beforehand that our ship would crash and explode? Then why would someone in an Imperial uniform be around right after the shipwreck? It must be their handiwork! They must have lured us here and caused the crash! We need to tell everything to our leader immediately!


So that's how it is? Oh, good thing we did not trust those damn Imperials! If it was a trap, then Kania is facing a serious threat. Oh man... We were fools to agree to this venture! We must contact Aidenus immediately!


Experience: +3000

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