Rescue Mission: Brazen Hill


  • Starts:
  • Ends:
  • Level: 50
  • Required level: 50
  • Type: Single-player Quest
  • Can be completed instantly
  • Zone:


Find Tep Cultists near the Brazen Hill, exterminate them and rescue the captives, then bring the good news back to Aidenus.


The documents you secured make me think that we underestimated the threat those wackos pose to the whole world. Tep ordered his servants to kidnap all the rational beings they can and take them to some place hidden deep in the Astral. We were unspeakably lucky - the captured papers contain the coordinates of the cultists' den!

I will immediately order our combat squadron to get ready for take-off. It's time we stamped out that cultist plague once and for all! As for you, I have another order that's less heroic but equally important.

After we raided the military camp by the Brazen Hill, we were missing a few rookies. I thought they were dead and waited for resurrection in the Purgatory, but upon reading these documents, I'm afraid they were captured by Tep's servants. I'm sure the cultists didn't make it too far. Please go to the Coba Plateau, find our guys and rescue them! I'm scared to imagine what the damned fanatics can do to them if we don't hurry...


Hurry up! I'm scared for the ordinary people captured by the fanatics...


The captives are saved? Oh... That's a relief! On behalf of the entire Kania, I thank you for saving their lives!


Experience: +3000

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