Word of Blood




Obtain 3 pieces of deer meat and return to Mirrah at the Council Rock.


Do you know the Word of Blood, little brother? You and I - we are of the same blood! And this is not just words. The hunters' blood runs through your veins, through the veins of the wolves, of Boa, even of the old clumsy bear, even though he prefers honey to meat. We are the hunters! The rest are our prey!
Start the hunt, get some deer meat, and you will see that my words make sense.


Have you succeeded, little brother?


I gave up a bull to make the Pack listen to my words, and I can see that I was not mistaken, little brother. You are a real hunter. I don't know what your future will bring, but I'm sure you'll never become a prey - neither of Scar nor anyone else. If you will ever die, you will die in battle, because me and you - we are of the same blood!


Experience: +2250

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