Forest Law


  • Starts:
  • Ends:
  • Faction: /World/Factions/Pridens_Empire.(Faction).xdb
  • Level: 5
  • Required level: 4
  • Type: Single-player Quest
  • Can't cancel quest
  • Zone:
    Thicket of the Primals



Obtain 3 portions of honey from Beehives and bring to Belly at the Council Rock.


Ah, young cub! You want the old bear to share some wisdom with you? Huh... Here, listen to my first lesson. Everything in the world comes at a price! Bring me some honey, kid! I'm old, fat and too lazy to run from the bees. If you want to get something, you must give something first.
Just don't harm the hives, little brother, and don't take all honey. Instead of draining one hive entirely, take a little honey from many hives. Remember - you should only take as much as nature can give you, and not more!


Where is my honey, little brother?


Oh, what a smell! What can be better than fresh honey? Only honey that didn't get you stung, haha.
This is what the Forest Law is about, little brother. When you live in harmony with nature, you can only take what others are giving you, and not give away more than you have in return. Everything in the world is connected, little brother. The hunter is bound to the prey, the bees are bound to honey, the river is bound to the rain, and life is bound to death. Everything obeys the same laws, the laws of balance, the Forest Law. The one who breaks it becomes an outlaw, and nature does not tolerate infringement.


Experience: +2250

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