The Return of the Bully




Find Gipat's Lords and inform them of Osip's resurrection request.


Ah, how time drags... It seems like the throat of our sandglass is tied and grains fail to go through. Look at you, you seem just as pale as the rest of us.

Watch as the years stretch just like the time Ath-Zak ambushed the cyclops from behind with a mighty blow. But that giant stood its ground. Damned thing! I even ran out of jokes to make Ath-Zak laugh. Even my ants in the shirt joke - not even a nose twitch. He would just stand there solid like the Cyclops! Those were good times. I miss them.

Sorry, I tend to think back on my wild past so I never forget.

Hey, are you going to visit the Masters of Gipat? Give them a message for me. Tell them that I declare a boycott. Either they resurrect me, or let the winds dispel me into their nightmares!


Osip started a boycott?

Well, that was expected. I would gladly return him to his precious death, which he misses so much with great pleasure. However, he is a key figure in our Performance.

I suppose we should negotiate the terms of his resurrection.

Are you surprised this seems to be an easy victory? You know, I can foresee the ending of this story, and believe me, we have nothing to lose. But I warn you, you have to work hard to ensure the resurrection succeeds. Think carefully if you're willing to go to such extremes...


Experience: +3060

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