Crimson Flower




Find the Dragon's Eye in the distant mountains, defeat the Blazing Guardian, take the Crimson Flower, and return to Mirrah at the Council Rock.
  • Dragon's Eye found
  • Crimson Flower obtained
    (Fight the Blazing Guardian and take his heart.)


Listen closely, little brother. Akkya has failed, and it means he no longer can be the leader. Scar has not forgotten the humiliation and will most likely claim his right to be chosen as the new leader at the Pack Council. You won't defeat him on your own, and the wolves won't help you.
There is a place to the North from here which we call the Dragon's Eye. Many moons ago a giant died there, and Crimson flowers grew from his blood.
Every single creature in the forest fears the light of those flowers... Except for you! I can see its sparkles in your eyes. Believe an old panther, little brother - only the light of the Crimson Flower will help you defeat Scar.
Go to the distant mountains, find the Crimson Flower and return to the Council. Today death will be standing behind your back, little brother!


Don't waste your time, little brother! The pack will now fight for the right to become the new leader!


The Crimson Flower... Take it away from me, little brother, its Light is hurting my eyes!


Experience: +4800

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