Exhibit of an Alchemist's Mastery



Synthesize 20 vials of volatile phlogiston and bring them to Lela de Ardeur.


Our workshop is open for everyone with talent and diligence. There's enough work both for experts and newbies. But you don't think that reading a manual is enough to become equal to renowned masters, do you? Do you seek respect and special privileges of the masters' guild? Then earn them!
Alchemists can brew lots of potions, both medicinal and deadly. Yet to gain true respect of your peers, you'll have to learn to isolate one of the strangest and most elusive substances in Sarnaut: phlogiston, aka thermogen. Make your first step to recognition: bring me 20 vials of this mysterious fluid.


Funny, isn't it: to display their skill, alchemists use a substance they are thus far unable to put to good use!


I can see now - you call yourself an alchemist for a reason. If you have enough skill and patience to obtain phlogiston as well, you can earn the respect of your colleagues without my help: simply release it in front of everyone. Of course, no one will notice a single vial: you'll need a score of them at least. And the further you progress, the higher quality of the substance you'll need: only a novice would boast of volatile phlogiston. To show your skill to the masters, you'll need to brew a strong or even concentrated substance!



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