Meeting with the Summoner Trainer



Speak with Rene de Desirae in the Elven District.


Hear ye! Hear ye!

Can you hold a weapon? Do you believe in freedom, equality, and brotherhood? Then our trainers of Novograd are here to set you on the path to victory!

Our wisest and most experienced trainers are eager to share their knowledge with you!

Oho, you're interested in Summoning? How mysterious! As a summoner, you'll master the art of controlling the undead. How exciting!

Let me just check my list... Ah, Rene de Desirae! He will be your trainer. Don't just stand around, you need to go make yourself useful to the League!


Hm, you wish to learn the fine art of summoning?

I suppose you're worthy enough to be taught by me.


Experience: +200

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