Expropriation of Expropriators



Capture the pirate ship, docked to the South of Takalik Harbor and report to Eugene Silberpod.
  • Get to Astral Cuttlefish
  • Defeat the watchman
  • Ask about reactor problem
    (Talk to the mercenary thug in the reactor room.)
  • Protect Mercenary
    (Protect Mercenary from Goblin pirates, while he is busy turning off the self-destruction system.)


Right, so it was Soldina who sent you. She remembers I owe her. So, what do you need?
Get into Feint’s base? Where’s that, Old Lighthouse? Jolly Roger bay? Are you out of your mind?
I’m coming with you. The only problem is the ship. Mine’s too old and battered, and yours is too Imperial, we’ll be shot on sight. We need a real pirate ship. I’ve seen one near here, called Astral Cuttlefish - we’re going to capture it.
Listen. You go forward, to the deck, and capture the control room. We are going to jump into the engine room to prevent them from exploding the reactor. Join us as soon as you’ve finished.


It’s been a long time since I did it.


Ugh, that was hard. Damned goblin nearly blew up the reactor, with us all together! But it’s okay, now we have a ship that significantly differs from those of the League and the Empire!


Experience: +6825

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