New Standard



Collect Clots of Astral Energy from the demons of Kirah and bring them to Yasker, along with the Standard.


Listen to me carefully. There is a large meteorite ore deposit northwest from our camp. I believe it's richer than the Blazing Mine reserves. We were going to use Mecha-Mole, a huge mining machine created by the best Empire engineer Yasskul Stakh to gather ore there. And judging by the fact that the demons are drawing to this area, we were moving in the right direction. If only the League and the Astral beasts stopped their attacks...

Anyway, no time for regrets. I'm sure the demons want to destroy the deposit. You are supposed to defeat them.

Negus Tot examined the remains of the demons killed near the camp, and he believes that their Astral energy will help us to upgrade the Standard. We just need to collect this energy. It will help you in your battle.


I hope Negus Tot was right. He's a talented scientist and manager. I don't want to lose him...


Fine, let's follow the instructions and upgrade the Battle Standard.

Step aside...


Experience: +10070

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