Retrieve Stolen Property



Bring the film back to Ilya Pervukhin at the Empire Embassy and watch the cinema.


What? We didn't steal anything! Pervukhin must have lost it himself... No one but him knew it was in the safe box... Oops! We shouldn't have slipped it out...
We didn't mean to hurt anyone! We wanted to make things fair!
Olly, our younger brother, overdrank the other day and strolled into the Imperial camp. They caught him, beat him up, and took his favorite flask away! Bastards! So Olly decided to get back at them.
We stole the film from the Imperial camp. They didn't notice anything, even though Olly was swine-drunk again.
We just wanted to trade the film for the flask! But they will kill us now if we go there... Can you take the film back, and bring us the flask? Please! We will pay you back! In a good way.


Are you on the trail? Please, hurry up. The audience is waiting!


Here is my film! Thank you so much! I am very grateful!


Experience: +3500

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