Jaeger and His Dog




Get inside the Bestiary and talk to Sergey Dozorin.
  • Teleport to the Bestiary
    (Use the portal in the Toros' cave to get inside the Bestiary.)


One of our jaegers, Sergey Dozorin, sent me a message yesterday. He has found another entrance to the Bestiary. He has somehow activated a Portal in a cave in the Deadly Frostland. Tungars use that cave it in their pagan rituals.
I don't think you will be able to pass them unnoticed, like Dozorin did, but you always can fight your way through them. Maas-Tyna the Light-Footed in our first camp can show you the way.
The Bestiary might hide all the answers to our questions, so we cannot miss the opportunity to learn them. Gather your strongest allies and start exploring the mysteries of the Bestiary right now!


Greetings. What took you so long? Me and Baxter have been waiting for you. We are getting sick of the canned food!

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