The Rescued Courier



Escort Ignat Zhdanov to the boat and notify the Somber Family.


I don't know how to thank you for finding me! The waterfolk ambushed me on the shore - they were probably going to eat me or use me as a human sacrifice, or maybe sacrifice me first and eat me later!

My boat is hidden under the dock but I'm afraid to go there by myself. Please do me a favor and help me to get out of here. I'll give you a reward for helping. Just show this letter to Yefim Molotov. I'm sure he'll pay you more handsomely than I ever could!

I'm definitely quitting the courier business after this. My skin is more important to me. Screw the benefits and the bonuses!


What's wrong?


Oh, what the heck?! The waterfolk captured a courier? Now I'll have to outfit the troops and attack the waterfolk camp. ...Oh, it's already done? Wow, I wish it were always like this!


Experience: +1380

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