Mystery of the Bestiary



Show the shard, obtained in Specimen's lair, to the Surveyors.


Could it be that this plain stone have caused all the mischiefs of Ferris? Strange mutations, deranged security systems, perished scientists - all because of a small piece of crystal matter? Unbelievable...
We should ask the Surveyors about the crystal and the energy that it is emitting. Maybe together we will find the answer to this riddle!


What has brought you to my chamber? You want to relish your triumph one more time and mock the unfortunate sorceress?


I'm sorry, there is nothing else I can do. Captain Krivov is dead, all my scientific researches have turned to ashes and a pile of scorched metal, all thanks to you. No, no, I'm not blaming you - I was unaware of what I was doing and brought the world to the brink of destruction. But I cannot help you now.
If you don't mind, I will keep the shard and continue my research. If this is how it affects both living flesh and metal, I need to find a way to use to fight the cursed Leper. What if it is our only chance?

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