
Rank: 1
The Summoner deals XX damage to themselves and creates a bloodied area with a range of 2 yards on the ground. The area exists for 22 seconds.
As long as the Summoner is in the area, their incoming damage, cooldown, cast time, and the global cooldown of all abilities are reduced by 10%.
This area can also grant this bonus to other Summoners who have learned this ability.
Rank: 2
The Summoner deals XX damage to themselves and creates a bloodied area with a range of 2 yards on the ground. The area exists for 22 seconds.
As long as the Summoner is in the area, their incoming damage, cooldown, cast time, and the global cooldown of all abilities are reduced by 10%.
This area can also grant this bonus to other Summoners who have learned this ability.
Rank: 3
The Summoner deals XX damage to themselves and creates a bloodied area with a range of 2 yards on the ground. The area exists for 22 seconds.
As long as the Summoner is in the area, their incoming damage, cooldown, cast time, and the global cooldown of all abilities are reduced by 10%.
This area can also grant this bonus to other Summoners who have learned this ability.

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