Stormy Arrow

Stormy Arrow
Rank: 1
Area of Effect Attack
The Scout shoots an enchanted arrow.
When it hits the target, it splits in two and hits the two nearest targets within 10 yards. Both arrows split in three and hit the nearest targets. Each of the three arrows splits in four and hits the nearest targets.
One target may be hit several times. First hit deals XX damage to the target. All subsequent hits deal 33% of this damage. The final hit stuns the targets for 1 seconds.
You can use it while moving.
Consumes 6 Tears of the Dragon. The effect depends on their quality.
You can use only one ability for dragon tears every 30 seconds.
Stormy Arrow
Rank: 2
Area of Effect Attack
The Scout shoots an enchanted arrow.
When it hits the target, it splits in two and hits the two nearest targets within 10 yards. Both arrows split in three and hit the nearest targets. Each of the three arrows splits in four and hits the nearest targets.
One target may be hit several times. First hit deals XX damage to the target. All subsequent hits deal 33% of this damage. The final hit stuns the targets for 2 seconds.
You can use it while moving.
Consumes 6 Tears of the Dragon. The effect depends on their quality.
You can use only one ability for dragon tears every 30 seconds.
Stormy Arrow
Rank: 3
Area of Effect Attack
The Scout shoots an enchanted arrow.
When it hits the target, it splits in two and hits the two nearest targets within 10 yards. Both arrows split in three and hit the nearest targets. Each of the three arrows splits in four and hits the nearest targets.
One target may be hit several times. First hit deals XX damage to the target. All subsequent hits deal 33% of this damage. The final hit stuns the targets for 3 seconds.
You can use it while moving.
Consumes 6 Tears of the Dragon. The effect depends on their quality.
You can use only one ability for dragon tears every 30 seconds.

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