
Rank: 1
Ranged abilities deal % more damage, and incoming damage is reduced by %.
Precise Shot, Aimed Shot, and Explosive Shot are cast % faster. The range of these abilities, and the range of Bombardment and Volley is increased to yards.
Allows you to use Volley, Bombardment, and Deadly Shot while moving. While sustaining Volley and Bombardment, the Scout is slowed down by %.
Melee attacks deal % less damage.
Only one Stance can be active at a time.
Rank: 2
Ranged abilities deal % more damage, and incoming damage is reduced by %.
Precise Shot, Aimed Shot, and Explosive Shot are cast % faster. The range of these abilities, and the range of Bombardment and Volley is increased to yards.
Allows you to use Volley, Bombardment, and Deadly Shot while moving. While sustaining Volley and Bombardment, the Scout is slowed down by %.
Melee attacks deal % less damage.
Only one Stance can be active at a time.
Rank: 3
Ranged abilities deal % more damage, and incoming damage is reduced by %.
Precise Shot, Aimed Shot, and Explosive Shot are cast % faster. The range of these abilities, and the range of Bombardment and Volley is increased to yards.
Allows you to use Volley, Bombardment, and Deadly Shot while moving. While sustaining Volley and Bombardment, the Scout is slowed down by %.
Melee attacks deal % less damage.
Only one Stance can be active at a time.

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