The Native Gibberling


Use the Scroll of Healing on Ton the Windblower and talk to Daniel de Pluie.


While you were gone, some very interesting developments came to light. The scouts found a Gibberling that had been badly wounded on the northern coast. He must thank Tensess for our appearing here! He's at death's door with terrible wounds inflicted on him by some unknown monster.

Luckily, there was a Scroll of Healing in the box of supplies. I'd very much like to have a chat with him. If he's been here for a long time, he might be able to shed some light on a few of this allod's mysteries.

You'll find him by the hut on the northern coast. Use the scroll and ask him any questions you can. If there are any problems, talk to Daniel. He's there doing all he can to save the poor Gibberling.


Poor thing... I wonder who would want to hurt this Gibberling?


The Gibberling is safe for now. His wounds have been healed and death no longer threatens him. But this mysterious native is clearly out of his mind. His eyes are hazy and he cannot speak in coherent sentences. The sad condition he's in was apparently caused by something more than just physical injuries.


Experience: +600

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