Theory Number One: Hunger



Bring 8 pieces of Stringy Crab Meat to Daniel de Pluie.


Hm, this Gibberling is definitely out of his mind... What could have caused his madness, I wonder? Once we find the reason, we can find the cure.

I have several theories and we'll have to check them all.

Perhaps the cause of his insanity is simple and hackneyed. Hunger! Look at how emaciated he is, not like a Gibberling at all!

Now, there's many crabs in this area and the heaps of shells around the patient's hut indicate that to have been his staple diet. Perhaps the injuries have made him unable to gain subsistence, causing hunger and, in turn, madness. This can be verified easily as well as fixed if the hypothesis is correct.

Bring me eight pieces of crab meat. We'll feed the patient and check this first theory.


Have you brought the crab meat?


Look! He's definitely showing some signs of recovery. At the very least he understands that this is food and what to do with it. What an appetite!


Experience: +1125

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