Changing of the Guards




Speak with Torn the Stutterer in Quiet Harbor.


Well, hello... hic. Sorry... there's nothing left. There's nothing worse for a Gibberling than seeing the bottom of a barrel of ale. When the cold weather started approaching, we collected everything up and downed the lot!... Hic...

Shame you weren't here, we had a really good time! And by the time the ice monster showed up, we were already completely sloshed. Yeah... it was a good thing that the barrels were already empty. It meant we had somewhere to hide. A blessing in disguise, as the saying goes...

Anyway... we've been dealing with the enemy since early this morning. Does it show? We're stuck here, waiting for a new ship to arrive with supplies... hic! We're sure the others are still putting the ale away - yep, no doubt about it. Where's the justice in that, eh?

Listen... Could you pay a visit to the boss for us? We think he forgot to send someone to replace us. Hic... we'll be eternally in your debt. Just don't say anything to him about him being alone! It drives him absolutely mad.


I'm surprised to see that anyone out here is still sober...


Re-p-p-place who? Those old bellyaching fools must have lost their m-m-marbles. Replace them! They've only just gone on duty!

Last night they managed to down three b-b-bottles of ale and another two bottles of homebrew and completely d-d-drank themselves under the table. They're a disgrace! Let them sit out there and reflect on their behavior. I've had it up to here with their t-t-troubles.

Leave them there to suffer without anything to d-d-drink and without anyone to fuss over them. We G-G-Gibberlings are made of stern stuff!


Experience: +3380

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