Like I Said, It's Leopards!




Go to Gray Lake, release a Blue Flare Rocket, kill 8 Snow Leopards, release a second Blue Flare Rocket, and return to Vicki the Red.


My brother, Eric, says there is no beast more dangerous than a bear. Do you know why? It's because yesterday he managed to let one get away from him, though I have no idea how that oaf pulled that off! A good hunter should be able to slit a polar bear's throat before it has the time to even get his claws out.

But leopards, leopards are a different story altogether. I don't even have the words to say how difficult they are to hunt and kill. A leopard will be at you with his claws out before you can even spot him.

Anyway, I'm sure you can settle our dispute for us. The snow leopards are near Gray Lake. Take these blue flare rockets and fire one off when you spot the leopards, kill eight leopards, and then fire off the second rocket.

We'll time how long it takes you to kill them from here. Talk to Eric later about the bears and whichever beasts take longer to kill are the most dangerous. It will be interesting to see who's right.


Don't forget to fire the blue flare rocket before you start hunting for the leopards.


That Eric is a jerk! As soon as I saw the blue flare I started my timer, but then he started distracting me with his stories. Now I don't even know who won! What a pity, it would have been an interesting wager...


Experience: +1560

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