Cold Isle Navigational Directions



Set 4 Buoys on Cold Isle and report back to the Curly Family.

  • Beacon set on the northern coast
  • Beacon set on the eastern coast
  • Beacon set on the southern coast
  • Beacon set on the western coast
  • Beacon set 4/4


You're not going to believe this, but I've just had a great idea! I'm not sure how I managed, but it did!

All of our ship's troubles are due to the fact that there aren't any proper navigational directions in Frozen Frontier! No one has bothered to set up any buoys! Oh, those are usually a signal beacon or a signaler with flags on the coast. Given the conditions, it's no surprise that ships are crashing on the rocks... But we can change that!

Go to Cold Isle and put up signal beacons along the coast. If you do this, the captains will be able to navigate between these allods on our way home without worrying about damaging the ship.


I can probably ask for a bonus for my innovative proposal with the beacons!


Are the beacons set? Great! I'm going to comb my hair and go tell the captain about your heroism. Well... our heroism...


Experience: +1350

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