Timur's Plan



Use the Anti-Demon 2M on 8 Skeletal Lookouts before killing them, then report back to Timur Belinsky.


So Sigurd thinks that the demons are in cahoots with the undead? Can't say I'm surprised - after some discussion, we've come to the same conclusion.

Actually, my theory is that this is a new kind of undead... a mutation of sorts. Don't look so skeptical - we conducted plenty of our own experiments back on Kirah. It's probably safe to assume that the demons tried to keep up, which is how they ended up with these new assistants...

I've taken to calling them the Astral Undead, and I want to see how they hold up against some of our old, tested methods. Here, take this repellent. It's called "Anti-Demon 2M" and it's great at scaring off demons, so it should work just as great on their friends!

However, before we can start handing this out to the miners it needs to be tested. There's a whole horde of undead roaming around Frost Peak, so why don't you head out that way and see how this repellent does? If they're really Astral in nature, they'll be scampering away at the first of you. That means that you might need to do some running around!


If I'm right about the undead being Astral in origin, then this repellent will make them run away as fast as those rickety little legs will carry them! So, what were are the results?


It didn't work? That's odd. Maybe the repellent was used up? No, that can't be, we just brought a new shipment from Kirah and I tested it myself on demons just the other day. It seems the device works wonder on demons, but it's ineffective against undead.

Turns out I was wrong - the demons have nothing to do with the undead invasion. Well then, who does? We must get to the bottom of this!


Experience: +7590

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