Astral Fangs



Sanctify 5 Astral Fangs and return to Rada Likhareva.


Strizhov sent me here to sanctify the shore... Those Astral fangs have been chewing on it for a while now.

I've already used holy water to try to halt their advancement, but it didn't seem to work very well. It could be that it's not the ground that needs to be sanctified, but the Astral fangs themselves. Take this holy water and sprinkle it on five Astral fangs. Oh, I can't wait to see what happens!


I hope that the holy water will help us out of this predicament. We need to stop these Astral fangs, lest they devour the allod faster than a rat chews up a piece of bread.


What? Something worse than the Astral fangs? The demons were followed by the undead!? That's the worst news I've heard since being assigned to this wretched allod!

This means that those fear mongers were right all along. The demons aren't just wandering the allod for no reason. No, they're planning another invasion and this time, they're bringing allies - the undead! I only hope that Strizhov will believe us!


Experience: +7590

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