Conspiracy Against the Swindler




Speak with Nikolai Strizhov, Timur Belinsky, and Nomarkh Nynetjer about the conspiracy for Sigurd the Swindler.


As I said earlier, after the Astral Fangs and the undead appeared I invited a whole bunch of experts to come help. They managed to deal with the Astral Fangs, but they've been out of action since the demons' invasion... Despite receiving a steady paycheck.

When the allod began to split they all ended up in separate areas. The League clerics ended up in the Snowy Wastes, the Demon Hunters are over at Frost Peak, and the Imperial scientists settled in a spot we've come to call the Ruined Shore. If you ask me, they've been idle long enough!

I'm certain that the demons are executing a coordinated attack on this allod with the undead. Go speak to our experts about this - help them with whatever they need and then come tell me about their findings!


What did my guests say ? Are they finally willing to get their hands dirty and help out? Or will they continue to hide in their respective corners and play the waiting game?


Every one of them is all talk and no action! While you were away I received letters from the Demon Hunters, the Imperial scientists, and the League clerics. And none of them are willing to help drive the undead out of the mine! Of course, everyone's got their own excuse. So I guess we'll have to deal with this problem ourselves!


Experience: +7590

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