An Old Recipe



Find White Flower and Evergreen Leaf for Sarbaz Neferkahor.


Yes, yes, I'll keep my word and give you my Sign if you find such plants that will allow me to brew this complex potion: white flower and evergreen leaf.

Of course I could set out on my own and search for the ingredients, but I think I'm more fit for cleaning tubes instead of coming face to face with snorting ghostly boars.

So, do we agree? You bring me flowers, I'll give you my Sign of the Chosen in exchange!


An ancient potion. It seemed that a knowledge about it was lost forever. And now I'm holding it's recipe in my hands. I'm a step away from a great discovery!

Wait a minute. What if all those plants... white flower, evergreen leaf... gone extinct long ago? No! I don't want to think about it!


What do we have here? A white flower. Mmm, such a fragrant scent...

Evergreen leaf... Oh! I have never seen such a vibrant green color in my whole life. I'm so anxious to start brewing. Here is your sign, take it!


Experience: +1250

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