The Goblin Barker



Talk to Tik the Bawler on the northern edge of the Eljune Bazaar.


The auction is going to be starting soon and all we've heard about the holy weapons is the seller's pitch.

Traders are crooks by their very nature... We need to hold the weapons in our hands, try them out for ourselves.

Go to the testing ground and find Tik Bawler there. He's a part-time barker, part-time consultant... and full-time loudmouth! Keep your wits about you when you talk to him!


Holy weapons are the next generation of arms! Never has such level of destruction been seen in all of Sarnaut since the Great Cataclysm! Who wins, the League or the Empire? Only the holy weapons can resolve this eternal struggle. And only here and now will you have the unique opportunity to see these wonders in action!


Experience: +5700

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