Lake Monsters



Kill 10 Lake Lizard Warriors and return to Beech the Thickskinned.


The woods rustle and the river roars - a dark night is moving from the west, scaring all living things away.

Evil lizardmen came along the river, looking to take this land by force. But we will not leave! We are peaceful hunters and gatherers, we make no wars and never bother anybody. Yet we will sooner lay down our lives than give our land away!

If you are a friend of the forestfolk, then you will help us drive them back! May your brave heart beat strong in your chest, and may your arms be steady! Please do not fail us in this dire hour. Those lizardmen must learn that the forestfolk do not surrender!


Dark times are upon us forestfolk. We are a kind people, and we would gladly share our land with the lizardmen. But alas, they are no peaceful fishermen. Instead they are hateful warriors, attacking anything with flesh they can sink their teeth into.


Good tidings! Now us forestfolk can live as one with nature, hunting wild animals and fishing in the river. No longer shall we be afraid of a cruel death in the night!


Experience: +7800

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