Return of the Forgotten God


Bring Genlun's Tooth to Tequatl and show it to its inhabitants.


Very well, I accept your apology. Now, dear guest, shall we talk? I'm so tired of feeling lonely.
There was a time, long long ago, when I used to care for the Tekyans, and they loved me in return... I never needed any other sacrifice. They didn't dare touch crocodiles, and the crocodiles didn't touch them. Now everything has changed - only old Che-Go remembers me. The rest of the Tekyans kill crocodiles; in return, my babies feast on them at every opportunity. But the scary part is not that the Tekyans have forgotten me. It's that they have forgotten themselves.
Whose fault is that? I think you already know. The "Immortals." I don't know who they are or where they came from, but I do know WHAT they are. They are a fraud, deceit and deception. Everything they touch turns to sham. Sometimes I think that Irdrich itself... No, I don't even want to think about that.
I can see that you have a strong will and a clear mind. Lies have no hold over you. Let's try to help the Tekyans return back to their roots. Take my tooth. Return to Tequatl and raise it above you head, and then... Then you'll see what happens next.


How do you like the statue of our god? What elegance, what stature! There is simply no comparison with that ugly idol.


Genlun has returned, Genlun has returned! Now everything will change, you'll see.. That is, change back to the way it was... But not in the same way it is right now, yeah!


Experience: +3780
  • +500 reputation points with Tequatl

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