Truth about Grand Experiment



Open the cache in the Eye of the World, take the diary with the recording of the experiment and take it to Mark Staritsyn, the Keeper of Secrets.


The Eye of the World has a cache in it. It's unlikely to have been found, for I did my best to hide the documents. Look for a small bookcase with an obscenity carved in its wall. Don't worry, it's unlikely that anyone was able to paint it over. Read it backwards and the cache will open. Take the papers and use them as you deem appropriate. Burn them or go public with them if you want. But think carefully before you act, estimate the probable consequences. Remember: the Empire's future depends on you!


What the hell is that? Sensitivity level four zeroes. How did you get clearance to access such documents, eh? Come on, hand them over.


Well, I'll be... This is huge! Looks like the Great Mages have been lying to everybody for ages? First, they almost destroyed the world, and now... What now? Now they are prisoners to the pathetic scraps of land we know as the allods. If we keep in mind that they live forever... Aye, their self-imposed punishment is a cruel one. Eternal imprisonment - and voluntary one at that!
I guess it would have been better if you'd never found these records. They can split the Empire and turn the people against Yasker and the other Great Mages... That would mean the end of this world! There would be no holding back the demon menace!
I won't let that happen! For the Empire's sake, I'll take these papers from you and hide them in the most reliable deposit box in the deepest bunker. Trust me, that would be best for all. Knowledge is too dangerous, especially when it contradicts faith.


Experience: +6500

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