Power of Ten Hearts



Collect 10 hearts from the energy elementals at the Western Outpost, use them to make a mana-bomb and place it under the mechanoid plant. Report back to Gleb Patrisanov in the Refuge.


In order not to let this tragedy happen again, we will act with caution. Our plan is to deprive Tep of his resources, forcing him to barricade himself in the Pyramid, then... Then we'll see. Now that he lost his main source of energy, the next step is to destroy the plant producing mechanoids.
Initially we thought it would stop without power, but the cultists came over us. They had a back-up power source, magic elementals. Well, we'll use the magic spirits that revived the production line to stop it forever.
The matter is that those elementals are very unstable, thus you won't even need to use a bomb or something of that kind. Just kill a dozen of elementals and put their hearts together. Ten hearts is like a critical mass. When they are combined and left for some time, they always explode better than a torpedo. Be sure to run away quick, as soon as you put them under the production line!


How great it could have been, to defeat Tep by sudden attack... Well, let's start a siege.


Wow, what a blow! This plant won't start working any time soon!


Experience: +7040

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