


Defeat Gorluxor and find and destroy the source of his revival. Report to Yasker when you are finished.


Now listen to me very carefully. We have gone through a damned nightmare to get where we are now. You might think that I was a bit careless in this journey, but that's not true.

I... I was very afraid that we would fail. This mission can be compared to that of Nezeb and Skrakan during the Great Astral Campaign - extremely important, but almost certainly hopeless. I hope our mission has a happier ending than theirs.

There's only one thing left to do now - kill Gorluxor. Gorluxor has already died and resurrected despite all known laws of resurrection. That means your task is to not only kill him, but make sure he stays dead.

The Teonomicon says nothing about how he resurrects. I believe he must have some kind of ancient artifact that allows him do this. Or perhaps he has created a magical device of some sort - it doesn't matter.

After you defeat him, you must find the source of his revival and destroy it. Examine everything in his room very carefully... Everything is of interest to us! I will be waiting for you in Nezebgrad, awaiting news of victory!


So? Tell me what happened!


We did it!

We won! I'm so grateful to you. The whole Empire owes you!


Experience: +275

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