Science at the Service of the Empire



Imperial scientists are testing some strange device. It must be quite important judging by the atmosphere of secrecy that surrounds the testing, and the fact that the League seems to want it as well.

It would probably be worthwhile to help the scientists. The device could prove quite useful in the future.


You have solved the "Science at the Service of Empire" mystery


I'm sure the news about the first teleporter test will hit the headlines of all Imperial media tomorrow. Not to take anything away from the success of your mission!

By the way, I don't like the designation "teleporter". It doesn't sound good. So, what's the name that the scientist gave it? The Adventurer's Stone, isn't it? Yes, that's much better.


Oh, the new opportunities we face every day are simply breathtaking! If we go on like this, there will be no mysteries left in the world for us to discover quite soon. I will retire then.

There's still a long way to go. If you happen to discover anything interesting, come back to me. I'll be keeping a detailed record of all mysteries, and besides, you can expect a good reward! See you soon.


Experience: +110

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