New Problems





While in the astral body, get as deep into the astral as you can.
  • Talk to Nihaz and depart on astral travels.
  • Pass through the first barrier
  • Pass through the second barrier
  • Pass through the third barrier
  • Pass through the fourth barrier
  • Pass through the fifth barrier


Well, well. Our opponent isn't sleeping. The distorted region of space where the future allod is forming as we speak is becoming increasingly unstable. Someone or something continues to interfere in our affairs. Perhaps I might have to intervene personally. Still, the brunt of the work will have to be done by you.

You are no longer the feeble and helpless lump of flesh that had appeared in Gipat a time ago. You've managed to overcome many powerful enemies, more than even your Great Mages have seen in their entire long lives. And I hope that you will carry out my quest as well.

So, you will need to return once more to the deep layers of the astral. But this time do not stop! Go as deep as you can. Give your life if you have to, but break on through! Either we get to our enemy in the nearest future, or our allod-creating venture will fall through.


Hmm, the problem seems to be more serious than I thought...


Wow... I didn't expect that, oh no I did not. I blamed Sarn, but this development...

So, the Light is getting aggressive? It sensed power and attempted a power play? We'll see how that plays out...


Experience: +16815

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