Fire Trap




Deploy an astral mine, lead Tep's punishers to it and activate the charge.


Tep's punishers are nearing, but we have all we need. Take this astral mine - you'll have to use it as an anti-personnel device. Here's the plan. First, deploy the bomb in the ship's frame. I'm setting the timer at... Would fifteen seconds be enough for you to get out of there? Good. Then the next step is: when the punishers show up on the bridge, draw their attention and lead them inside the ship. Then press this button on the mine and run like hell. In an enclosed space, an explosion that strong will tear them to shreds and if you don't move your ass, you'll join them. Don't you dare die in there! I have a lot more plans for you.


What're you waiting for? The punishers are just about to get here!


Do you have any idea how lucky you were? Surviving the manual activation of a mine with a defective timer takes much more than being born with a silver spoon in your mouth - we're talking at least a set of platinum tableware! When Klavdia told me what had happened, we rushed to dig out the fragments of the ship. We thought we'd be lucky if we found anything to bury. So what did we find? Tep's servants were reduced to a pulp, but you were just stunned without a scratch on you. You're protected by someone above, I'm telling you.


Experience: +3780

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