Brotherly Union



On the order of Viktor Tverdolobin, establish an alliance between the Orcs of Gipat and the Empire.
  • Offer an alliance to the Orcs of Gipat
    (Careful! Do not approach the camp! Lightning hazard!)


I have just received word that there is a camp of normal, breathing Orcs on Gipat. Long story short, a drunken Elf blurted that he accidentally stumbled upon them.

I order you to seek our their camp right away and invite them to join our Imperial forces. Tell them something uplifting about the Empire. I don't know, "Keeping territorial integrity and cultural heritage". I'll leave it up to you, but we just need them to be impressed our already existing army of Orcs. As for compulsory military service, we will tell them about it later.

You need to find the right approach - promise to give them food, gold, fine Xadaganian women... And don't forget to mention about Goblinball. They'll sure get a kick out of that!


Did the Orcs agree to join our powerful faction?

Their tribe is the size of a drop in a large sea of water, but just think what valuable information about Gipat they can provide!


You mean they turned their cheek to your offer? "The Empire and the League will die soon"? That's too much. Who do these savages think they are?

Though wait a bit... Now we know about their "Lords". Perhaps we don't need Orcs at all. They are just pawns...


Experience: +1250

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