Orc in the Flesh



Find the mysterious Orc that the Scratchy Family mentioned.


What do you want? We're not like other idiots dragging around the foothills repeating heroic deeds of Ath-Zak. We don't want to do it! If he were at least a Gibberling, we would think it over.

Hey, since you were so lucky at finding Boris' tools, maybe you can solve a mystery for us too. Something peculiar caught our attention earlier. We saw an Orc around here. He wasn't ghostly, but in full flesh and blood! At first we thought is was an Imperial citizen, but then we looked closer. Something was wrong. Judging from its savage-like armor, it seems he wasn't with the Imperial army.

Who was he then? Damned if we know! We decided to keep our distance. If you want to have a look, you may go and see. He's not far from off from the trail ahead.


Hopefully you can find that Orc, so you don't think we're crazy. Tricksters we are, but crazy... No way!


So, it's true that there are not only ghostly beings, but real native creatures on Gipat. They sure don't like our presence here though.


Experience: +1250

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