Peace to the World!


With all eyes on you, march to the center of these Ruins, and smash the Weapon of War. Bring its remnants to the Spirit of Peace.
  • Break the Weapon of War
    (Break the Weapon of War over the weapons pile at the center of the ruins.)


Gipat is a peaceful land.

Gaze at the lush terrain. When a hunter kills a wolf to feed himself, it is an act of enmity. Ath-Zak's Chosen Path was to cleanse Gipat of many dangers. Those who help finish what he has started will gain Revelation.

With all the bloodshed that exists in Sarnaut, we must leave those troubles behind. The past wars have established the races' pre-determined roles that blind them from Revelation. It doesn't benefit a man to kill another man, or for a mighty Orc to raise an axe on his Gibberling foes. Elves create magical wonders while Arisen carry messages about the meaning of the death to all beings. Nobody is created to kill just as no one is created to die before one's time.

Great truth is earned by putting down one's sword and lending one's free hand to yesterday's enemy. Prove that knowledge is power. Take this Weapon of War to the center of these Ruins, and shatter it within sight of all in sign of a Great Truce.


Only one who can put up with the enemy and look beyond one's differences for the sake of the eternal peace is heading to the Chosen Path of greatness!


I am proud of you and believe in your peaceful intentions. The Chosen Path is open to you!


Experience: +1000

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