Light of Distant Shores



Place two Lantern Beams on the side of each shore and report back to Boris Kuznetsov.


I'm so happy to meet you. There seems be many Imperial citizens here.

At first I dove into the bushes at first site of Imperials, but later thought "What an idiot, we are at a Truce here. I have to admit I do feel safe among the Orcs' watch - very convenient to work in such conditions. The only thing bugging me is the scarcity of my League brothers and sisters! The League ships need to find the way to Gipat. Maybe you can help.

Set the signal lighthouses on the shore. Doing this will divert you from the your Chosen path temporarily, but will greatly benefit the League! There are petrified skeletons of sea monsters on the shore. That is the best place for the lighthouses.


Orcs started ghost-hunting competitions. I say let them have their fun while distracting citizens from their Chosen Path.

I sit here studying everyone's behavior. While the Empire inhabitants shoot boars all day, the League slowly progresses its faction's reputation.


Well done!

As soon as the League ships find their way to this allod, it'll feel more like home.


Experience: +1000

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