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Offer birch sandals to the ghosts of Gipat upon for Kulo the Dealer.


Welcome, outlander! With new allods comes new clients. And new clients means profit! I have lugged traditional shoes all the way from Lightwood. Lot of shoes! I will make a pretty gold piece.

There's one problem though. I badly need an assistant. Don't worry, I'll share my profit with you if you find clients for my shoes. What we need are new clients. Try your sales charm among those weird ghostly figures at the foot of the stairs...


I had limited space to bring these wares. It was between buckwheat honey or sandals to Gipat. Adventurers need to travel in comfort!


Boy, what a bunch of speechless fools! What are we going to do now?
Stupid me! I should've brought the honey. No one minds healthy eating. That includes ghosts!
We didn't make big profit although you seem to appreciate good comfort. Try these on for size!


Experience: +1000

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