Time to Speak the Word



Meet Elchana Speak-with-Spirits on Kahlua Island.


Did you find the sign in the camp? And were there evil outlanders calling themselves Empire? Bad news for all of us.
I trust you - our scouts noticed a strange human watching our town. They spotted red-winged one next to him. Your sign reinforces my concern. If red-winged ones ally with the Empire, we'll be in trouble. They will summon their stupid Council and ruin everything our ancestors created. That cannot happen!
I, Karrok Stout-Hearted, speak on behalf of Glittering Wing. Our people and wingless outlanders need to make an alliance. Our future can be secure by solid authority, and that is our strength!
But we cannot enter into treaty without blessing of elements. Wind that carry us, earth that give us shelter, sea that feed us, and fire that burn in our dwellings all are our patrons. Only Elchana Speak-with-Spirits understands them. She lives on Kahlua Island, to the east of our town. You, Son of the Wind, should go ask Elchana to talk to spirits. I've spoken my word, let them speak theirs.


Ah, wingless outlander did come see me. Let me guess... Karrok send you! He wants our spirits to bless the alliance with outlanders that came from the great void? All right... You shall hear their word!


Experience: +305

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