Veil of Mystery




Go to the old ritual hall at the bottom of the lake and prepare if for the ritual, so that Catherina could restore the Veil of Mystery.
  • Catacombs at the bottom of the lake entered
  • Ritual hall cleard from the rats 5/5
  • Spheres restored 5/5
    (Pick up crystals and return them to the pedestal)
  • Ritual ready
    (Tell Catherina everything is ready.)
  • Wait for the ritual to complete


It wasn’t such a good idea, to base such a powerful spell on blood! Its quality greatly depends on external factors, which are highly unstable!

I bet the great Mage’s blood will do. However, we need to take care of the safety. There should be an old ritual hall in the basement of the Skytower - old Skrakan was very peculiar about the rituals. Most of the basement is under Starry lake’s waters, but the entrance is clear. Go there, find the hall, make it up and help me lift the veil of this mystery.


Bloody rituals are extremely powerful, although complex and unstable. The slightest mistake will cost me a life. Don't distract me!


I swear to the Light, if Skrakan were alive, I'd have killed him with my hands!

He never used his own blood to seal the ritual. He took someone else's blood instead, blood of a mortal... Hmm... I wonder if I should open up your veins and give your blood a try... But no. You should have been aware, if it were yours.

Let's return. I need to think.


Experience: +9045

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