Loan shark




Meet Jade Gloom in Upper City.


I used to have a mine, true. I don’t own it any more. My brother Nickel gave me advice - trade the spices from the overseas. Buy a whole ship there, sell them here. That sounded reasonable, for since the traders were banned, we don’t have much spice to use here.
The price for the spices was high. I was completely taken in by them, borrowed a lot of money, and bought a whole ship of it. I even had to mortgage my gem mine, you know. Of course, mea culpa, I should have analysed the situation first - now the templars speak against the spice, for it’s not good about the Light, and kind of prohibited. So I’ve stayed here for a while, unable to sell anything. It smells nice, but people wouldn’t buy it! I’m desperate, my debt is outdated, and the mine is no longer mine, pardon my pun. It belongs to Jade Gloom now, he’s the master of gems and jewels, and I don’t own but tears and bitterness...


Hello again. Another business?


Experience: +1700

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