Passage Fee




Convince Grub to share trophies with Jade


Oh, that's what you're asking for then, eh? As if I made Goldie run into debt! He came to me himself, and he himself offered me the conditions! He promised to give his mine to me, unless he pays off all that he borrowed! I didn't make him, you know. So we signed the papers, and it wasn't my fault that he didn't make it with the trade.
Tit for tat, you say? That works for me, and I do have a favor to ask for, indeed. There's this bridge, see, crossed by pretty many people. And there's a troll who lives under this bridge and collects fee from everyone who crosses the bridge. So I thought, why would a troll need so much money? Why doesn't he share it?
Go tell him he ought to share, you know, to secure his precious bridge from being washed down with the high water, or anything worse. Do you know what I mean? As soon as you persuade the troll, go and see Nickel. He's in.


You normally don’t expect gold to flow in your pockets by itself.


Now you've got the idea of one in the hand against two on a tree?
My elder brother still weeps about the mine? That's stupid enough. I only inherited an old jacket and a worn hat! What’s so fair about it? So I played a trick with the spice - made him buy a lot, and then made the templars prohibit it, deed's done, I get the mine! Justice on the move!
I owe Jade now, but that's nothing. I help you - I pay off half the debt!


Experience: +3400

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