Extreme Measures: Eljune


  • Starts:
  • Ends:
  • Level: 50
  • Required level: 50
  • Type: Single-player Quest
  • Can be completed instantly
  • Zone:



Kill Tep cultists at Eljune, free hostages and report to Yasker.


Besides the IMD, the cultists attacked our military camp at Eljune. Somehow they are interested mainly in physically seasoned citizens with high emotional stability. Those who are able to serve in the army. If I was not so confident in the loyalty of our citizens, I would have assumed that the cultists were planning to convert our recruits and make them Tep's watchdogs. But that's impossible! Loyal sons of the Empire will not serve the mad necromancer... though I am not sure about some Arisen. We will have to order Rysina to do additional checks among ZIT employees.
But that does not concern you. Your job right now is to free the kidnapped privates from cultists at Eljune. Hurry up and go. Time is against us!


Hurry. If cultists escape with the hostages, their lives will be on your head.


Excellent! Kidnapped privates will be awarded a resort vacation. Let them rest and forget about their misfortune. The Empire values its defenders!


Experience: +10500

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